3. Creating Visualizations

Creating Visualizations

To create a view, place the required fields from Dimensions and Measures from the data pane, on to Columns and Rows shelf.

Click on Show Me on the right, to see Tableau’s suggestions based on the field selected.

Lab1. Creating your first visualization – Trend Chart

Ques. Products are being sold for the past four years. What is the profit over time?


  1. From Dimensions, double click on Order Date or place it on Rows.
  2. From Measures, double click on Profit.

Tableau will use best visualization practice and will create a Trend line or Bar chart. Make sure Mark type is set to Automatic. Mark Type can be changed to get any desired visualization.

Tip: If you don’t see a Trend chart, you can select one from Show Me.

  • Rename this sheet as YearOverYear Trend.

Lab2. Create a Stack chart

Ques. Find out how different Categories contribute to Sales


  1. Create a new sheet, name it Stack Chart.
  2. From Dimensions, place Order Date on Columns and Sales on Rows.
  3. Place Category on Color.
  4. This will create a Stack chart automatically. If not then select one from Show Me.

Your Stack chart will look like the one below:

Lab3. Creating a dashboard

Dashboard can display multiple sheets in one view

  1. From the menu on the top, navigate to Dashboard and select New Dashboard.
  2. On the left, it will display the two sheets you have created so far.

Double click on YearOverYearTrend and Stack one by one. They will display side-by-side on the Dashboard.

Check different options available on the dashboard page.